Legal Notice


Company registration number : 499560548

Head of office: 1, Boulevard Exelmans - 75016 PARIS

Email: [email protected]

Site host: IONOS - Powered by Prestashop

Publication director: iPowermac Pro

Call numbers (head office switchboard): Tel: +33 0782 470 173

Customer service - hours:

Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Paris time)

Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Website manager: Grand Webmaster Flash

© 2023 - iPowermac Pro a trademark from Mactrader


Intellectual property

We inform you that any reproduction or total or partial representation, by any process whatsoever, of this site, logos, images which may appear on it is prohibited without the express authorization of iPowerMac Pro and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 et seq. Of the Intellectual Property Code.

Payment methods

Your payments are 100% secure with 128-bit SSL encryption, and are supported by a reliable and fast online anti-fraud verification system with 3D Secure ® guaranteeing you purchases with confidence.

The 3D Secure standard consists of the declaration by each user to his bank of a confidential personal code reserved for online purchases (Depending on the banks, this code can take several forms: code to be created online, date of birth, postal code …). This standard allows us to guarantee the highest level of security for your online purchases.

Type of payments accepted: Visa, Mastercard American Express, Apple Pay, Bank Transfer, Sofort Banking & Bancontact.


All our prices shown are invoiced NET without VAT (our company is working within VAT margin and therefore the VAT is neither invoiced, nor recoupable by the client / company)

Identity checks and requests for supporting documents - Cases of suspected credit card fraud

As merchants, the law authorizes us to be able to ask the buyer for proof of identity, in particular for transactions suspected of being fraudulent: identity theft, payments with a bank card that is not in the name of the customer. buyer, or if the buyer uses a personal credit card but corresponds with our company through a third party or third party email.

If the customer refuses to submit to the identity check, we can cancel the order which presents a risk of fraud;

This is in accordance with the French law on remote purchases:



In accordance with article L156-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer is informed of the possibility of resorting, in the event of a dispute, to a conventional mediation procedure or to any other alternative method of dispute resolution. iPowermac Pro is a member of the Federation of e-commerce and distance selling (FEVAD) and the e-commerce mediation service (60 rue la Boétie - 75008 PARIS - [email protected]). The consumer is also informed of the existence of the platform put online by the European Commission which aims to collect any complaints arising from an online purchase from European consumers and then to forward the cases received to the competent national mediators: